Helping you to be connected
Technology 1 on 1
1 on 1 support for your Iphone, Ipad or laptop.
Learn how to get the most out of your device.
1 hour session
NOTE: Please bring your own device.
Fridays during school Term
12pm - 2pm
45 minutes session
Cost from $45 - $55 depending on content
BOOKING required
Keeping up with tech Seniors Intergenerational project
Come and learn how to keep up with technology.
This is a great FREE four week intergenerational course, where students from Koonung Secondary College will assist you to master the use of iPads, smart phones, etc.
Outsmart the scammers, solve tech obstacles, answer Tech question & maybe book your next flight to your well deserved holiday.
Course A: FULL (waiting list only)
Dates: Wed 12th Feb- 5th Mar (4 weeks)
Course B:Dates: Wed 12th Mar - 2nd Apr
(4 weeks)
Max: 8 places available
Wednesdays 12.30pm - 2.30pm
Cost: FREE
Bookings required!
Places will be gone quickly!
BYO: Tablet, smart phone if you have one. We have some available.
To enrol into one (or all) of the amazing technology workshops and classes, download and complete our enrolment form below. You can email this through to, post it to 57 Linda Avenue, Box Hill North 3129 or drop into the office!
Office Hours:
Monday & Thursday: 9 am - 3 pm
Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays 9 am - 3 pm
Kerrimuir Neighbourhood House is closed school holidays and all public holidays.
Kerrimuir Neighbourhood House
57 Linda Avenue - Box Hill North - 3129
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